Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Spring Time Sampler is off to a roaring success!!  

We completely sold out of the collection of fabrics to make the quilt but, with the help of friends from our Facebook Group (Margaret Leuwen Quilting) we managed to find a couple of places that have Robin Picken's Painted Meadow fabric by Moda!!  Yea!  If you would like to join us in making Spring Time Sampler send me an email and I'll be happy to forward you the shops that have it!  If you would like to use your stash to make it, that's fine too!!  Patterns are available on my website!!

I received this fabric last week and honestly 

I can't wait to make something with it!  

I have decided to make Potluck Pals by Annie.  I think it's going to look fantastic!  Once I get it made I will have kits available on my website.  I love kits, don't you?  It's just so much easier when everything is included!

I'm heading back to the long arm, I'm got someone's very special quilt just waiting for me to finish it up for them!  

What are you working on today?  Please let me know, I'd love to hear from you!!

Happy Quilting!

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